The Importance of Sodium in Nutrition
An adult body contains approximately 120 g of sodium. Most of this is present in the extracellular fluid. Extracellular fluid refers to the fluid outside the cell just as intracellular fluid refers to inside the cell. One example of extracellular fluid is blood plasma. We may remember that blood has two parts cells and plasma. The term plasma refers to the fluid part of the blood
Some of the important functions of sodium are listed below:
a. Regulating the balances of extracellular and Intercellular fluid: Sodium, the principal mineral in the extracellular fluid, is responsible for maintaining the fluid balance. By fluid balance we mean the process of maintaining a balance between the fluid present within the cells (intracellular) and that circulation outside the cells (extracellular). Sodium along with potassium (another mineral) helps to maintain this balance.
b. Regulating the alkalinity and acidity of the body fluids: Sodium tends to make the body fluids alkaline. Another mineral namely chloride present in the body fluids tends to make acidic. Sodium combines with chloride in the fluid and together they help maintain the balance between the alkalinity and acidity of the body fluids.
c. Aiding the contraction of muscles and Regulating the passage of substances: Into and out of the cell.
Food sources: We are familiar with common table salt which is nothing but sodium chloride. Common table salt is the principal source of sodium in our diet. One teaspoon of salt provides almost 2000 mg sodium. Other rich sources of sodium of sodium include milk, egg white, meat, poultry, fish amount there animal foods and green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, fenugreek leaves) and pulses among the plant sources.
The Importance of Potassium in Nutrition
It is present in twice as much amount as sodium in the body. Approximately 250 g of potassium is contained in the body and most of this is present in the cells.
a) Regulation of the balance of intracellular and extracellular: It along with sodium help maintain fluid balance within the cell and outside the cell. On the other hand is the principal mineral in the intracellular fluid.
b) Regulation of the alkalinity of the fluids: It like sodium is alkaline. It combines with chloride which is acidic and together they help maintain the acidity.
c) Role in muscle activity: It has a significant role in the activity of skeletal and heart muscle. It helps in the transmission of messages which results in the contraction of muscle tissue.
Food sources: It is widely distributed in food. Meat poultry and fish are good sources. The water of the tendent coconut is the best source of the potassium. Whole grain cereals also provide some amounts of potassium.
The body contains approximately 100 g of chloride and most of this found in the extracellular fluids. The rest of the chloride is present inside the cells.
a) Regulation of the balance of intracellular and extracellular fluid: - Potassium along with sodium helps maintain fluid balance within the cell and outside the cell. Sodium is the main mineral present in extracellular fluid.
b) Regulation of the alkalinity/acidity of body fluids: - Potassium, like sodium, is alkaline. It combines with chloride which is acidic and together they help maintain the acidity / alkalinity of body fluids.
c) Role in muscle activity: - Potassium has a significant role in the activity of skeletal and heart muscle. It helps in the transmission of messages which results in the contraction of muscle tissue.
Food Sources:
Potassium is widely distributed in foods, Meats, poultry and fish are good sources. Among the plant foods, pulses, fruits, vegetables especially the green leafy vegetables are good sources of potassium. The water of the tender coconut is, bananas, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and lemons contain appreciable amounts of this mineral.
Absorption and excretion: - Potassium gets absorbed from the upper part of the intestine. The absorbed potassium then gets used up to perform the various body functions.
An adult body contains approximately 120 g of sodium. Most of this is present in the extracellular fluid.