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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Function of sodium in our body

The Importance of Sodium in Nutrition
An adult body contains approximately 120 g of sodium. Most of this is present in the extracellular fluid. Extracellular fluid refers to the fluid outside the cell just as intracellular fluid refers to inside the cell. One example of extracellular fluid is blood plasma. We may remember that blood has two parts cells and plasma. The term plasma refers to the fluid part of the blood
Some of the important functions of sodium are listed below:
a.     Regulating the balances of extracellular and Intercellular fluid: Sodium, the principal mineral in the extracellular fluid, is responsible for maintaining the fluid balance. By fluid balance we mean the process of maintaining a balance between the fluid present within the cells (intracellular) and that circulation outside the cells (extracellular). Sodium along with potassium (another mineral) helps to maintain this balance.
b.    Regulating the alkalinity  and acidity of the body fluids: Sodium tends to make the body fluids alkaline. Another mineral namely chloride present in the body fluids tends to make acidic. Sodium combines with chloride in the fluid and together they help maintain the balance between the alkalinity and acidity of the body fluids.
c.     Aiding the contraction of muscles and Regulating the passage of substances: Into and out of the cell.
Food sources: We are familiar with common table salt which is nothing but sodium chloride. Common table salt is the principal source of sodium in our diet. One teaspoon of salt provides almost 2000 mg sodium. Other rich sources of sodium of sodium include milk, egg white, meat, poultry, fish amount there animal foods and green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, fenugreek leaves) and pulses among the plant sources.

The Importance of Potassium in Nutrition
 It is present in twice as much amount as sodium in the body. Approximately 250 g of potassium is contained in the body and most of this is present in the cells.
a)     Regulation of the balance of intracellular and extracellular: It along with sodium help maintain fluid balance within the cell and outside the cell. On the other hand is the principal mineral in the intracellular fluid.
b)    Regulation of the alkalinity of the fluids: It like sodium is alkaline. It combines with chloride which is acidic and together they help maintain the acidity.
c)     Role in muscle activity: It has a significant role in the activity of skeletal and heart muscle. It helps in the transmission of messages which results in the contraction of muscle tissue.
Food sources: It is widely distributed in food. Meat poultry and fish are good sources. The water of the tendent coconut is the best source of the potassium. Whole grain cereals also provide some amounts of potassium.
The body contains approximately 100 g of chloride and most of this found in the extracellular fluids. The rest of the chloride is present inside the cells.
a)     Regulation of the balance of intracellular and extracellular fluid: - Potassium along with sodium helps maintain fluid balance within the cell and outside the cell. Sodium is the main mineral present in extracellular fluid.
b)    Regulation of the alkalinity/acidity of body fluids: - Potassium, like sodium, is alkaline. It combines with chloride which is acidic and together they help maintain the acidity / alkalinity of body fluids.
c)     Role in muscle activity: - Potassium has a significant role in the activity of skeletal and heart muscle. It helps in the transmission of messages which results in the contraction of muscle tissue.
Food Sources:

Potassium is widely distributed in foods, Meats, poultry and fish are good sources. Among the plant foods, pulses, fruits, vegetables especially the green leafy vegetables are good sources of potassium. The water of the tender coconut is, bananas, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and lemons contain appreciable amounts of this mineral.

Absorption and excretion: - Potassium gets absorbed from the upper part of the intestine. The absorbed potassium then gets used up to perform the various body functions.


The Importance of Magnesium in Nutrition
Human body contains approximately 20-25 gms of magnesium in adult body. Magnesium is essential for every biochemical process that takes place within the body.

Functions of Magnesium
Ø  Magnesium is vital for turning food into energy for the body, as well as helping in the release of insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels.
Ø  Magnesium helps to repair and maintain body cells.
Ø  Magnesium controls the movement of calcium in and out of cells. It is important for strong bones and teeth.

Food Sources of Magnesium
Ø  Milk and dairy foods, nuts, peanut butter, cheddar cheese, and whitefish
Ø  The magnesium content of plants varies considerably with how much magnesium is in the soil where the plants are grown.
Ø  Much of the magnesium content in food is lost during processing – milling removes approximately 59% of the magnesium from whole wheat.
Ø  Cooking foods in water also causes magnesium to leach out during the cooking process.

Food Sources of Magnesium

Beans black
120 mg
Brocolli Raw
22 mg
Nuts, peanuts
64 mg
49 mg
Plantain raw
66 mg
51 mg
Seeds, pumpking, squash
151 mg
Soy milk
47 mg
Spinach cooked
157 mg
37 mg
Whole grain ceral
24 mg
Whole grain cereal cooked
56 mg
Whole wheat bread
24 mg

200 mg
250 mg
410 mg
400 mg
375 mg
300 mg
300 mg
300 mg

Deficiency and Disease of Magnesium
Ø  Abdominal obesity: If you are magnesium deficiency, you are probably carrying extra weight . That's one of the hallmark signs of metabolic syndrome that causes fat to be stored in dangerous areas, such as deep in the abdomen or around the liver, muscle, and heart tissues.
Ø  High cholesterol level: Magnesium deficiency increases triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels, while decreasing the level of good cholesterol.
Ø  Diabetes: If you have low magnesium levels in you blood, study shows that magnesium deficiency can cause insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes.
Ø  High blood pressure: High blood pressure could be significantly lowered by a diet high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium, and low in sodium and fat.

Functions of Iron

Importance of Iron in Nutrition

Iron is a present in the body to the extent of 3-5 g. Iron is essential for life. It is a component of hemoglobin, the red pigment in blood that transports oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from the cells.

Functions of Iron
Ø  Oxygen Transport: - Iron is a major constituent of a red-colored compound called hemoglobin present in the blood. Iron is a vital component of red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and in turn helps in carrying carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
Ø  Provision of oxygen for muscle contraction: - Iron is also present in the muscle in the form of myoglobin. Myoglobin has the capacity to store oxygen. This oxygen is used for muscle contraction and for other immediate needs of the muscle cells.
Ø  Promotion of oxidation within cells: - Iron facilitates the complete oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins within the cell. The role of iron in oxygen transport and release of the energy locked up in these molecules. The role of iron in oxygen transport and release of energy is now clear to you. Energy is required for the various physical activities we perform every day.
Ø  Maintenance of specific brain functions: - like immediate memory, capacity to learn and attention span.

Food Sources of Iron
Liver is an excellent source. Green leafy vegetables,( like mustered leaves, mint leaves), cereals, pulses. Boiling vegetables can reduce the iron content by 20%. Caffeine interferes with the iron absorption in the body. Avoid drinking caffeine along with iron-rich foods or supplements. Absorbability of iron from foods varies widely: The "organic" iron found in red meats is considered the most absorbable (10 - 30%). Plants contain "inorganic" iron, of which only 2 - 10% is absorbed in the digestive tract.

            Food Sources of Iron

Flesh Foods
6.3 mg/100g
2.5 mg/100g
Green Leafy Vegetables
Mustard leaves
16.3 mg/100g
15.6 mg/100g
4.2 mg/100g
Amaranth leaves
3.5 mg/100g
2.5 mg/100g
7.9 mg/100g
7.7 mg/100g
7.3 mg/100g
4.6 mg/100g
3.1 mg/100g
Rice flakes
20.0 mg/100g
8.0 mg/100g
5.3 mg/100g
Wheat flour(whole)
4.9 mg/100g
3.9 mg/100g
10.4 mg/100g
Moth beans
9.5 mg/100g
8.6 mg/100g
7.6 mg/100g
7.1 mg/100g
Horse gram
6.8 mg/100g
Bengal gram (dal)
5.3 mg/100g
Bengal gram(whole)
4.6 mg/100g
2.6 mg/100g

10 mg
10 mg
18 mg
10 mg
10 mg
18 mg
18 mg
10 mg

Deficiency and Disease of Iron
Ø  Women are usually at a higher risk of iron deficiency because of blood loss through monthly menstrual cycles.
Ø  Iron is one of the top six nutrients that are found to be commonly deficient in people globally.
Ø  Iron requirements increase for pregnant women, who produce more red blood cells to supply the growing fetus with oxygen and nourishment.

Functions of Chromium

The Important of Chromium in Nutrition
Chromium helps to control blood sugar levels. It may also aid in reducing physiological hunger symptoms and play a role in breaking down fat.

Functions of Chromium
Ø  Chromium is involved in the production of energy from fats and carbohydrates.
Ø  Chromium is believed to work with the hormone insulin to control sugar levels in the body and aid in lowering cholesterol levels.

Food Sources of Chromium
Ø  Brewer's yeast, egg yolk, meat, cheese, whole grains, spinach, and bananas
Ø  The milling step during the processing of grains may remove as much as 83% of the chromium.
Ø  This chromium is not replaced during the enrichment process.

Food Sources of Chromium

Egg Yolk
183 mcg
112 mcg
57 mcg
56 mcg
55 mcg
45 mcg
Bread, Wholemeal, wheat
42 mcg
Black pepper
35 mcg
Rye Bread
30 mcg
Chilli Fresh
30 mcg
Apple peel
27 mcg
Potatos old
27 mcg
26 mcg
Potatos new
21 mcg
18 mcg
14 mcg
13 mcg
10 mcg
5 mcg
1 mcg

Deficiency and Disease of Chromium
People who exercise frequently, the elderly, people who tend to gain weight easily, and those who consume high amounts of processed foods may want to ensure adequate intake of chromium.